Researching also supplies pictures in the form of newspaper/radio ads of the day and cast photos. Badges started as yet another visual component that grabbed my interest. Then my love of research dragged me in.
So far there are over 700 clubs identified. Over 500 badges in my personal collection, though that doesn't tell the whole story. Clubs that ran for decades had to reorder and the stations or sponsors shopped around for contra deals or cheaper prices. So often you can have different manufacturers and that means different I.D.s on the reverse and even differences on the front. Colour, Shape, fonts, fastener types like Brooch, Buttonhole or Stickpin. I refer to these as variations and that means my actual number of badges including variations is between 1,000 - 1500.
Then there are over 100 badge images I have from other generous collectors, of badges I don't have, that I can use on my website or in the book. Then there is probably at least another 100 out there I have either seen or know from research, that do exist. Searching for those keeps me busy.
Considering that I started this project thinking there were a couple of hundred clubs and I wasn't going to worry about anything after the 1950s, it has taken on a life of its own.
Then there are Station Identification badges which will get their own section. I am still not including FM stations as it just gets too hard and is a long way from the intention of telling the stories. Maybe in another edition. The images in the collage I have used to introduce this subject, are simply my working images, not the final quality.
If you think you have a Radio Listener Club Badge that I don't have, please tell me. I am happy to buy it or if you want to keep it, I would appreciate a nice close up photo of the Front and rear of the badge. You will be given credit in the book. Something like "from the collection of .....".
Then there are membership certificates or membership cards and other Club items. I have covered some of those in previous Blogs. I love it when paper survives. Some clubs didn't have badges but they did have membership cards or membership certificates. I search for those as well. They often contain important detail like the name of the club organiser as well as indicating if there was a yearly subscription for membership and renewal would be required.
The searches continue.....
Ian Grieve