This section is to introduce people associated with Australian radio who have passed away.
If I write it, it will be about their radio heritage, as usually that part of their careers are not mentioned in the popular press, or if it is mentioned, it is quickly passed over. It will not be about their personal lives or their families, it will be about the areas that touched Australian Radio.
Personally, I would love descendants to write the story themselves and send it to us. Tell us about your loved one, the family anecdotes about their radio careers and use photos that they themselves collected. Tell the World about your relative.
The people who visit this site and who document Australian Radio Production would be very interested.
Ian Grieve
If I write it, it will be about their radio heritage, as usually that part of their careers are not mentioned in the popular press, or if it is mentioned, it is quickly passed over. It will not be about their personal lives or their families, it will be about the areas that touched Australian Radio.
Personally, I would love descendants to write the story themselves and send it to us. Tell us about your loved one, the family anecdotes about their radio careers and use photos that they themselves collected. Tell the World about your relative.
The people who visit this site and who document Australian Radio Production would be very interested.
Ian Grieve