Howie Wing has become so big that I have had to give him his own sub menus, to show the progression since Kathy Hammel first found the 16" Transcription Discs in 2005 and include the various finds up to 2013. We know a lot more about Howie Wing today, than we did after that first discovery in 2005.
I told Kathy back in 2005 that Howie Wing was a 'lucky' series and that has been proven time and again. What I meant was that information and items turned up unexpectedly and we simply followed those trails and documented what we found along the way. It was as if we were meant to research this series. Prior to 2005 I had never even heard of Howie Wing. One day in 2005 my Father In Law visited me at work for a coffee & a chin wag. He asked me what I was working on and I said I was researching an old U.S. radio series that was broadcast in Australia in the late 1930's, called Howie Wing. You could have knocked me over with a feather when he told me that he hadn't heard that name for many years and that he had been a Howie Wing Cadet when he was a kid.
A couple of years ago I bought a 1939 Wireless Weekly Magazine from ebay and stuck between the pages were clipped 'Howie Wing Flying Lessons' cut from other issues and left in that particular magazine.
Over the last 8 years, I have collected a lot of Howie Wing memorabilia and information. So has Kathy Hammel in the U.S. and Archie Hunter in Canada. Kathy has written an updated explanation of the story of Howie Wing from the first find and then the discoveries we have made through to 2012. Which was when I was originally rewriting this section of the website. What Kathy has put together for you to read is an amazing amount of information and in great detail. It is also a good description of what research we do and how we do it. The people Kathy mentions, Jerry, Jack, Karl & I, have worked together on many similar projects since we started on Howie Wing but whenever I see an email from them in my intray, I immediately think back to Howie Wing. Kathy, Archie and I still email regularly on Howie Wing and I think we always will.
I have left the original article so you can see how little we knew in 2005. I have also written a separate Australian section so you can see the Howie Wing memorabilia and items that are Australian.
Below I have included some slideshows of Howie Wing memorabilia. I haven't worked out yet, how to include the full series of Flying Manuals and other documentation, but some time they will be included.
I have also included below, two of the episodes of Howie Wing that Kathy Hammel found, which set off the last 8 years of research into this amazing series. Thank you Kathy for allowing us to listen to these episodes. But in all honesty, there is no way I could allow visitors to the site to read your wonderful description of the research and then not give them the taste of the show itself.
For people who are not experienced at listening to a radio drama, close your eyes and listen to the voices and the sound effects and forget your current time zone. Listen with 1938 ears, not 2013.
Ian Grieve
I told Kathy back in 2005 that Howie Wing was a 'lucky' series and that has been proven time and again. What I meant was that information and items turned up unexpectedly and we simply followed those trails and documented what we found along the way. It was as if we were meant to research this series. Prior to 2005 I had never even heard of Howie Wing. One day in 2005 my Father In Law visited me at work for a coffee & a chin wag. He asked me what I was working on and I said I was researching an old U.S. radio series that was broadcast in Australia in the late 1930's, called Howie Wing. You could have knocked me over with a feather when he told me that he hadn't heard that name for many years and that he had been a Howie Wing Cadet when he was a kid.
A couple of years ago I bought a 1939 Wireless Weekly Magazine from ebay and stuck between the pages were clipped 'Howie Wing Flying Lessons' cut from other issues and left in that particular magazine.
Over the last 8 years, I have collected a lot of Howie Wing memorabilia and information. So has Kathy Hammel in the U.S. and Archie Hunter in Canada. Kathy has written an updated explanation of the story of Howie Wing from the first find and then the discoveries we have made through to 2012. Which was when I was originally rewriting this section of the website. What Kathy has put together for you to read is an amazing amount of information and in great detail. It is also a good description of what research we do and how we do it. The people Kathy mentions, Jerry, Jack, Karl & I, have worked together on many similar projects since we started on Howie Wing but whenever I see an email from them in my intray, I immediately think back to Howie Wing. Kathy, Archie and I still email regularly on Howie Wing and I think we always will.
I have left the original article so you can see how little we knew in 2005. I have also written a separate Australian section so you can see the Howie Wing memorabilia and items that are Australian.
Below I have included some slideshows of Howie Wing memorabilia. I haven't worked out yet, how to include the full series of Flying Manuals and other documentation, but some time they will be included.
I have also included below, two of the episodes of Howie Wing that Kathy Hammel found, which set off the last 8 years of research into this amazing series. Thank you Kathy for allowing us to listen to these episodes. But in all honesty, there is no way I could allow visitors to the site to read your wonderful description of the research and then not give them the taste of the show itself.
For people who are not experienced at listening to a radio drama, close your eyes and listen to the voices and the sound effects and forget your current time zone. Listen with 1938 ears, not 2013.
Ian Grieve