Let Us Help
One of the nice things that has happened over the years that this website has been running, is the number of people we have helped with queries about the Golden Age of Radio. People have asked about relatives appearing in specific shows or just the shows themselves. In most cases we have been able to assist in some way whether it be just providing basic information about the shows, to providing sound bites of their relative, or just providing direction where they can find more information
Following Ian's appearance on Can We Help (ABC Friday nights) where the Australian Old Time Radio researchers not only provided information but also sound about Colonel X for his Grandson, we were inundated with requests from people requesting information about shows they remembered, relatives on specific shows and even obscure songs not heard of in years.
We would therefore like to extend this by offering anyone to let us help you find that obscure bit of Australian Old Time Radio that has been bugging you or that this site has resurrected in your mind. We do not guarantee success in your query but we will do our best.
Just use the 'Contact Us' form in the 'Home' menu.