The person responsible for putting my name forward was Allan Black, whose reminiscences of his Media career I have been posting in parts on this web site for a number of years. When he first raised the possibility I knocked it back and told him there were 'meals on wheels' volunteers working 50 years that were more deserving. In fact I knocked it back several times when it was raised. I found out later he had continued discussing it with my wife.
After I won a community award, put forward by my eldest daughter in secret, I admit I did love the recognition and the next time Allan raised the subject I didn't reject the idea. I supplied him with names of people who knew the various parts of what I do. I never thought I had a chance and I really had no idea what an honour it was.
Whilst Allan Black knew what I have been doing with this website in regard to documenting Australian Radio History, as well as the book on Radio Listener Clubs that I have been working on, he didn't know my other Old Time Radio involvements.
I enjoyed the research and I enjoyed, still do, assisting authors to include Australian series or people in their books about that period. These days I still do those things for the Old Time Radio Researchers Group, but now it is when previously unknown shows are found, not so much daily involvement. Lack of time is an issue. Moris loved the data side and built the database we used to document over 6,000 Radio Series/Serials. He did a massive amount of research at the Victoria State Library over the years and was responsible for the bulk of the data in our database. Sadly he passed from cancer.
So the Old Time Radio Researchers Group in the U.S. was added to Allan Black's List. Also from this area was Keith Scott, voice Impressionist extraordinaire . Most people know Keith for his impressions, voice work in cartoons, movies and his books. But Keith also researches and documents American Old Time Radio and Cartoons. He can identify the actors not documented in shows, from their voices. He also works with the same people I assist at the Researchers Group.
Next was Bruce Ferrier of Grace Gibson Productions. Over a number of years Bruce and I have met several times and he understands what I am doing. Reg James who spent his whole working life at Grace Gibsons became a mentor to me and his exceptional memory helped us greatly. Bruce Ferrier who spends so much time on the audio recovery and availability of Australian Radio Shows was another name I gave Allan.
Last but not least was Garry Bowles ex radio jock who has known me locally for quite a few years and been a great help to me over the years. Garry is also a member of the same radio groups that I participate in. Particularly the Radio History Group where I post historical images each day for discussion.
Most times the whole process is secret, the potential awardee has no idea it is happening. In my case, due to even my wife not knowing all the aspects of what I do, Allan Black was stuck and had to ask me to point him in the direction of people to talk to. I have attended several functions and talked to OAM recipients and most had no idea it was happening, though others like me knew some of it.
I have to say, that it has been amazing. I am totally in awe of the OAM recipients I have met. I am very proud to have been included.
There are so many people to thank. Not just those that sponsored me for the award, but those who contribute to my knowledge and support me daily with answers to my questions. The people who trust me with their knowledge and even items they have kept all these years. My family is also a big support to me. No trip in Australia is immune to me checking out 2nd hand shops, museums and markets. I am well aware that the monetary costs and that the time I spend, also comes at their expense. They are all owed a share of this OAM and several were able to attend the ceremony at Queensland Government House.
Thank you everyone.
Ian Grieve OAM