Australia Day 2021 was a big day for me. I was awarded the Cultural Award. I have spent over twenty years collecting Australian Radio Shows from all over the world, documenting them, writing articles, sharing the information with other researchers as well as any interested people. I have made this site available to document the stories of people associated with Australian Radio, trying to document the untold stories for future generations. All this has been done at my own expense with no expectation of reward other than the occasional thank you. |
Over the last few years, awards have been suggested to me and I just fobbed them off by saying that there were many, more deserving people out there who should be rewarded. I just want to publicly thank everyone for all the kind words coming through the website, email and texts. I know what the website means to me, but I guess I forgot what it means to other people.
For me it is not work to be asked a question and then research the answer. Except maybe the questions I get asked about what was playing on a station in Victoria in the 1940s or maybe 1950s, they can't remember exactly when or what station and forget to tell me what town they lived in or near. Sadly I get too many of those. But many questions can take me down a rabbit hole searching for the answer. Did I mention that I love researching?
I need to thank my eldest daughter Annette for nominating me. She kept that secret, or I would have fobbed off the idea.
I need to also thank the Toowoomba Regional Council and the Australia Day Committee. It did make me feel special. Also a thank you for my family for supporting my obsession, even if they don't really understand it :)
Hopefully, this year I will finish my book on the over 600 Radio Listener Clubs throughout Australia. Then I can spend more time adding the material to this site, that I have been collecting or discovering.
Thank you also to all the visitors and readers. The stats tell me there are never less than 200 new visitors each month and often as high as 400+.
There are more stories waiting to be told and more items waiting to be uploaded. I just need more time.
Ian Grieve