I picked up a badge about 20 years ago, it was home made. I wasn't sure if it was made by a fan. It remains the only hand made badge in my collection. Over the years I picked up more, in fact I now have 4, all hand painted. Collector Jamie Kelly said he had 2 as well.
Another collector recently told me a story of how he also picked one up many years ago at a gun show in Brisbane. The fellow who sold it to him said they were made by his sister. Sadly we don't know his name or that of his sister.
Was it a prize? Was it a one-off? Did the same woman do the artwork or was it the work of a fan?
Sadly I may never get the answers, but I will write it up here on my blog in case one of you out there knows the answers.
Fortunately I was heading north for a reunion and not only did I enjoying 26c warm days, but I stopped in to see John & Phyllis and I now have a guitar. Thank you John and Phyllis.