Commencing in 1937 with a segment of the daily breakfast show and later towards evening the 5.15pm time slot was the Smilers Club session. We can see from the following Membership Certificates that it was still going strong in 1962.
I haven't yet got a full understanding of what the club members received for their membership, in terms of activities, if they were involved in fund raising or displaying talents. All that shows up in newspapers of the day are listings in the Program guides and mentions by members writing into newspaper clubs and stating what a beaut club it was.
I have more research to do.
Why I have chosen to write about the club here today, is that recently five 2MO SMILERS' CLUB MEMBERSHIP CERTIFICATES came into my possession from a collector of community related items, Steven Capper. Steven normally collects community social items like football badges, cards and many other similar items. He came across them and put them away safely in his collection.
What I think is special in this case, as did Steven, was that these 5 Membership Certificates were from the same family in the same year 1962.
Were they renewals of membership, paid for all at the same time? I haven't found any information on the club to indicate that renewals were necessary. More radio clubs were single registration than those requiring renewal. The envelope addressed to "The Styles Children" would seem to suggest the certificates were posted at the same time, or at least some were.
All in all, more research needed on my part.
At this stage, five Membership Certificates from the one family is a record. Before this, two consecutive memberships from a brother and sister of the 7BU - 7DY Sunpolishers Club had held the spot.
I hope someone who was a member of the 2MO Smilers' Club will contact me and tell me more about the club. If you are a member of The Styles family and know more about the story of these certificates, please contact me via the comments.
Ian Grieve