Romance of Famous Jewels, the
THE ROMANCE OF FAMOUS JEWELS - Grace Gibson Production - Australia
EP 01 (Audition) The Story of the KOH-I-NOOR
Narrator - Clark McKay, Nadir Sha - Sidney Wheeler (J.J.), Truda - Lesley Pope, Mohammed Shah & Ambassador - John O'Malley, Runjit Singh - Donald Morrison, Shah Shuja - Moray Powell, Shuja's Wife & Queen Victoria - Ethel Lang.
Script - William Isherwood, Director Reg Johnston.
EP 02 (Audition) The Queens Necklace
Narrator - Clark McKay, Louis XV & Husband - Kevin Brennan, Du Barry - Bettie Dickson, Boehmer - Sid Wheeler (J.J.), Bassenge - Alfred Bristowe, Marie Antoinette - Murial Steinbeck, Louis XVI & De Rohan - Athol Fleming, La Motte & Voice - Sheila Sewell.
Script - Reg Johnston, Director Reg Johnston.
Ep 03 The Hope Diamond
Narrator & Newsboy - Clark McKay, Louis, Citizen 1, Streeter, Habib - Sidney Wheeler (J.J.), Tavernier, Officer, Purser - Alan Cuthbertson, Hope - Moray Powell, May Yohe - Muriel Steinbeck, Citizen 2, Reporter, Announcer - John O'Malley.
Script - Lloyd Lamble, Director Reg Johnston.
EP 04 The Locket of Bonnie Prince Charlie
Narrator & Soldier - Clark McKay, Macdonald - Kevin Brennan, Charles - Alan Cuthbertson, Flora - Bettie Dickson, Allan - John Cazabon (J.J.)
Script - William Isherwood, Director Reg Johnston.
EP 05 The man who stole the Crown Jewels
Narrator - Clark McKay, Colonel Blood - Athol Fleming, Edmund Blood - Deryk Barnes, Mr. Edwards - Richard Matthews (J.J.), Kate - Nancye Stewart, Parret & King Charles II - John Cazabon (J.J.)
Script - William Isherwood, Director Reg Johnston.
EP 06 The Catseye Ring of Marie Antoinette
Narrator - Clark McKay, 1st Man, Goguelat, 1st Swede - Max Osbiston, 2nd Man, 2nd Swede - Lloyd Berrell, Louis XVI - Athol Fleming, Marie Antoinette - Muriel Steinbeck, Axel De Fersen - Nigel Lovell, Woman, Swedish Woman - Hilda Scurr.
Script - William Isherwood, Director Reg Johnston.
EP 07 The Ruby Necklace of Queen Carlotta
Narrator - Clark McKay, Commander, Maximillian - Richard Ashley, Carlotta - Lyndall Barbour, Loius Napoleon - Kevin Brennan, Montares, Juarez - Donald Morrison.
Script - William Isherwood, Director Reg Johnston.
EP 08 The Regent's Locket
Narrator - Clark McKay, Mrs Fitzherbert - Neva Carr Glynn, Minney, Lady Companion, Georgiana - Lyndall Barbour, Lady Sefton, Lady Jersey - Queenie Ashton, Beau Brummell - William Rees, George, Prince of Wales - Kevin Brennan, Keate, Sir Henry Herford - John Cazabon (J.J.)
Script - Redmond Phillips, Director Reg Johnston.
Ep 09 The Story of the Braganza Diamiond
Narrator, Courier - Clark McKay, Officer - William Rees, Jose - Max Osbiston, Vasco - John Cazabon (J.J.), Miguel - Donald Morrison, Tina - Dinah Sheering (J.J.)
Script - R. Wilkes Hunter, Adaption - Reg Johnston, Director Reg Johnston.
EP 10 The Nassac Diamond
Narrator, 2nd Priest - Clark McKay, Hastings, Ali - John Cazabon (JJ), Simpson, 2nd Officer, Ranghit - John O'Malley, 2nd Officer, Thorsby, Ram Singh - Sidney Wheeler (JJ), 1st Priest, 1st Officer - Donald Morrison, Duke - Wayne Lynton
Script - R. Wilkes Hunter, Adaption - Reg Johnston, Director Reg Johnston.
EP 11 The Sancy Diamond
Narrator, Major Domo, 2nd Pedlar - Clark McKay, Henry III, 1st Pedlar, Swiss Soldier - John Cazabon (JJ), 3rd Pedlar, Jean Clermont - Sidney Wheeler (JJ), Seigneur De Sancy - Richard Ashley, Catherine Medici, French Girl - Jean Robertson, Courtier, Man, Voice - Michael Pate
Script - Redmond Phillips, Director Reg Johnston.
EP 12 The Mysterious Opal Which Never Existed
Narrator, Servant - Clark McKay, Persian, Bishop, Voice - Alfred Bristowe, Hermoine, Pavlova - Elaine Montgomerie, Baron - Allan Cuthbertson, Baroness, Countess, Girl - Winifred Green, Count, Man 1, Physician, Miner - Sidney Wheeler (JJ)
Script - Audrey Sharpe, Director Reg Johnston.
EP 13 The Pigott Diamond
Narrator,Soldier, Attendant - Clark McKay, Captain D' Anglas - Lloyd Berrell, Ali Pasha - Sidney Wheeler (JJ), Auctioneer, Raschid - John Cazabon (JJ), Vasilikee - Dinah Sheering (JJ)
Script - Redmond Phillips, Director Reg Johnston.
Ep 14 The Great Mogul Diamond
Narrator, Guard - Clark McKay, Chandra, Sena - Edwin Finn, Officer - Sid Wheeler (JJ), Yashara, Borgia - John O'Malley, Mogul - Max Osbiston, Devara - Wendy Brunton-Gibb (JJ)
Script - R. Wilkes Hunter, Adaption - Reg Johnston, Director Reg Johnston.
EP 15 The Moon of the Mountain
Narrator - Clark McKay, Nadir Shah - Sid Wheeler (J.J), Ali - Richard Ashley, Fatima - Muriel Steinbeck, Mahomet Singh - John O'Malley, Ahmed - Max Osbiston
Script - R. Wilkes Hunter, Adaption - Reg Johnston, Director Reg Johnston.
EP 16 How the Moon of the Mountain came to the Tsar of Russia
Narrator, Servant - Clark McKay, Beni - Owen Ainley, Rachel - Lyndall Barbour, Mahomet - John O'Malley, Kirzar, Ambassador - John Cazabon (JJ), Arab, Abraham - Sid Wheeler (JJ)
Script - R. Wilkes Hunter, Adaption - Reg Johnston, Director Reg Johnston.
EP 17 The Orloff Diamond
Narrator, Sanderson - Clark McKay, Commissar Bruekhenin - Lloyd Lamble (L.L. Ent), Capt. Barkles, Palace Guard - Harvey Adams, Pierre, Potemkin, American Correspondent - John Bushelle (JJ), Cocu, English Correspondent, Prince Orloff, John Cazabon (JJ), Catherine the Great - Neva Carr Glyn
Script - Redmond Phillips, Director Reg Johnston.
EP 18 The Treasure of Caballo Cunco
Narrator - Clark McKay, Father Piedra - Donald Morrison, Priest, Engineer - John Cazabon (JJ), Prodgers - Richard Ashley, Senora - Neva Carr Glyn, Indian Boy - Peter Mendoza
Script - Audrey Sharpe, Director Reg Johnston.
EP 19 The Alfred Jewel
Narrator, Man 1 - Clark McKay, Colonel Palmer, Soldier II, Man III - John Tate, Alfred - Richard Ashley, Guthrum, Soldier - Alan White, Maude - Neva Carr Glynn, Friend, Man II - Leonard Thiele
Script - Audrey Sharpe, Director Reg Johnston.
EP 20 Queen Elizabeth's Ring
Narrator, Boy - Reg Johnston, Queen Elizabeth - Nancye Stewart, Lady Marvell, Lady Nottingham - Neva Carr Glyn, Essex - Leonard Thiele, Earl of Nottingham, Raleigh - Alfred Bristowe
Script - Redmond Phillips, Director Reg Johnston.
EP 21 M. Silhouette and the Paste Earrings
Narrator - Reg Johnston, King Louis XV - Lou Vernon, Countess Du Barry - Bettie Dickson, M. Silhouette - Peter Bathurst, M. De Bologne, M. Stras - Michael Pate, Zamore - Michael Yardley
Script - Audrey Sharpe, Adaptation Reg Johnston, Director Reg Johnston.
EP 22 The Jonker Diamond
Narrator, Matafi - Lloyd Berrell, Jacobus Jonker, 1st Miner - Owen Ainley, Barmaid, Mrs Jonker - Neva Carr Glyn, Vice President, Simpson - Rupert Chance, Engineer, Franz - Reg Johnston, Corporation Executive, 2nd Miner - Tom Farley
Script - Redmond Phillips, Director Reg Johnston.
EP 23 Anne Boleyn's Diamond
Narrator, Voice - Clark McKay, Henry Viii - Kevin Brennan, Cardinal Wolsey - Lou Vernon, Percy, Mark Kingston - Deryk Barnes, Anne Boleyn - Elaine Montgomerie, Queen Catherine, Lady in Waiting - Hilda Scurr
Script - Redmond Phillips, Director Reg Johnston.
EP 24 The Matan Diamond
Narrator - Clark McKay, Kalai - John Gray (JJ), Jahar, Ali - John Cazabon (JJ), Al Fong - Athol Fleming, Rajah - Reg Johnston, Ling, Officer - Kevin Brennan
Script - R. Wilkes Hunter, Adaption - Reg Johnston, Director Reg Johnston.
EP 25 Grace Moore and the Star of Egypt
Narrator, Servant - Clark McKay, Ismail - Kevin Brennan, Nubar, Emil - Sidney Wheeler (JJ), Clerk, Disraeli - Charles McCallum, 2nd Clerk, Woman - Neva Carr Glyn, Sir Evelyn Baring, Voice 1 - Ron Roberts
Script - Redmond Phillips, Director Reg Johnston.
EP 26 Napoleon & The Orloff Diamond
Narrator, Voices - Clark McKay, Napoleon - John Cazabon (JJ), General Murat - Kevin Brennan, General Segur - Reg Johnston, Duroc - Athol Fleming, Marie Walewska - Lesley Pope, Aunt Nadia - Enid Lorimer (JJ)
Script - Redmond Phillips, Director Reg Johnston.
EP 27 Charlemagne's Talisman
Narrator - Clark McKay, Irene - Jean Robertson, Charlemagne - John Buschelle (JJ), Ethro - Joan Lord, Constantine - Leonard Thiele, Noble, Zacchai - John Cazabon (JJ)
Script - Audrey Sharpe, Adaptation Reg Johnston, Director Reg Johnston.
EP 28 The Eugenie Diamond
Narrator, Major Domo, M. Buffet - Clark McKay, Napoleon III - Kevin Brennan, Empress Eugenie - Neva Carr Glyn, MME. De Fontoul, Nurse - Hilda Scurr, Lord Cowley - Mayne Lynton, Englishman, Aussie Soldier, Count Bacciochi - John Cazabon (JJ)
Script - Redmond Phillips, Director Reg Johnston.
EP 29 The Treasure of Petrossa
Narrator - Clark McKay, Stanislav - Owen Ainley, Ivan - John Gray (JJ), Prunza Verde - Kevin Brennan, Venussi - Edwin Finn, Commissioner - Ben Lewin (JJ)
Script - Audrey Sharpe, Adaptation Reg Johnston, Director Reg Johnston.
EP 30 War on the Brazilian Diamond Front
Narrator - Clark McKay, Sir Geoffrey Knox - Athol Fleming, Merchant, 1st Dealer - Sid Wheeler (JJ), Bailey - Leonard Bullen (JJ), Clerk, 2nd Dealer, Assistant - John Cazabon (JJ)
Script - Rex Rienits, Director Reg Johnston.
Ep 31 The Emeralds of Montezuma
Narrator - Clark McKay, Hernando Cortes - John Cazabon (JJ), Luis, Montezuma, Councillor - John Buschelle (JJ), Dona Juana, Queen of Spain - Neva Carr Glyn, Velasquez - Sidney Wheeler (JJ), The King of Spain, Priest - Owen Ainley
Script - Redmond Phillips, Director Reg Johnston.
EP 32 The Cullinan Diamond
Narrator, Voice 1, Voice 2, Postman - Clark McKay, Otto - John Cazabon (JJ), Klein, Captain Wells - Max Osbiston, Native, Joseph - Sidney Wheeler (JJ), Forsythe, Voice 4, Roth - Atholl Fleming, Elsa - Muriel Steinbeck
Script - E.K. Smith, Director Reg Johnston.
EP 33 The Regent Diamond & Marie Antoinette
Narrator - Clark McKay, Marie Antoinette - Elaine Montgomerie, Countess De Noailles, Mlle Bertin - Queenie Ashton, The Dauphin, Count De Fersen - Leonard Thiele, Louis XV - Kevin Brennan, Charles - Peter Bathurst
Script - Redmond Phillips, Director Reg Johnston.
EP 34 The Regent Diamond & Napoleon Bonaparte
Narrator, Court Official - Clark McKay, Napoleon - John Cazabon (JJ), Marie Antoinette, Marianne - Elaine Montgomerie, Count De Fersen, Segure - Leonard Thiele, Mme Permon - ethel Lang, Baron Edelsheim - Kevin Gunn (JJ)
Script - Redmond Phillips, Director Reg Johnston.
EP 35 - Benvenuto Cellini & The Powdered Diamond
Narrator, Guiseppe - Clark McKay, Benvenuto Cellini - Owen Ainley, Durante, Pope - Kevin Brennan, 20th Century Man, Charles V - Max Osbiston, Priest, Ugolini - Edwin Finn, Vatican Treasurer, Pietro - Richard Matthews (JJ)
Script - Redmond Phillips, Director Reg Johnston.
EP 36 The Portland Vase
Narrator, Joshua (Boy) - Clark McKay, Joshua (Man) - Edwin Finn, Mr. Harrison - Alfred Bristowe, Sarah - Myrna Dodd, Cathcart - Atholl Fleming, Portland - Mayne Lynton
Script - R. Wilkes Hunter, Adaption - Reg Johnston, Director Reg Johnston.
Ep 37 The Pearl of Travancore
Narrator, 1st Trader - Clark McKay, Prince Amrah, Voice - Kevin Brennan, Zameidan - Deryk Barnes, Princess Sarahwie - Betty Lucas, Akyabi, 2nd Trader - John O'Malley, The Rover of Kandy - Alan White
Script - Redmond Phillips, Director Reg Johnston.
EP 38 The Dresden Green Diamond
Narrator - Clark McKay, Anna Von Hoym - Thelma Scott, Augustus The Strong - John Buschelle (JJ), Count Furstenberg, Johann - Max Osbiston, Baron Von Hoym, Voice - Atholl Fleming
Script - Redmond Phillips, Director Reg Johnston.
EP 39 A Necklace for the Infanta
Narrator, Servant - Clark McKay, James I, Spaniard - Reginald Collins, Lord Bristol, Phillip IV - John Buschelle (JJ), Duke of Buckingham - John Tate, Charles - Bruce Beeby (JJ), Maria - Elaine Montgomerie
Script - Redmond Phillips, Director Reg Johnston.
EP 40 The Story of the First African Diamond
Narrator, Native - Clark McKay, Daniel Jacobs, Lorenzo Boyes, 1st Man - Owen Ainley, Minna, Jewish Woman - Neva Carr Glyn, Franz - Ronald Faulkner, Mr, Van Niekirk, Dr, Kirsch - Max Osbiston, 2nd Man, John Reilly - John Tate
Script - Redmond Phillips, Director Reg Johnston.
EP 41 The Jewels of Ivan the Terrible
Narrator - Clark McKay, Ivan The Terrible - John Buschelle (JJ), Queen Elizabeth - Nancye Stewart, Jerome Horsey - Atholl Fleming, F.F. Pissemski - Owen Ainley
Script - Redmond Phillips, Director Reg Johnston.
EP 42 The Jewel of Destiny
Narrator, Voice 1, Man - Clark McKay, Murphy, Voice 3 - John Buschelle (JJ), Leyman - John O'Malley, Leon - Edwin Finn, Tennant, Voice, Voice 2 - John Gray (JJ), Greta - Carlotta Kalmar
Script - Keith Smith, Director Reg Johnston.
EP 43 The Jade Bell
Narrator - Clark McKay, Chien Lung - John Buschelle (JJ), Chang - Ossie Wenban, Dangra Tso, San Tsin - John O'Malley, Child - Joan Lord
Script - R. Wilkes Hunter, Adaption - Reg Johnston, Director Reg Johnston.
EP 44 The Black Prince's Ruby
Narrator - Clark McKay, Queen Victoria p Lesley Pope, Lord Melbourne, Sir Thomas - Alfred Bristowe, Don Pedro - John Buschelle (JJ), Court Jeweller, Sir John - Edwin Finn, Edward - Allan Trevor
Script - Redmond Phillips, Director Reg Johnston.
EP 45 The Badge of Widowhood
Narrator - Clark McKay, Christina - Brenda Dunrich, Hans Holbein, Charles V - William Rees (JJ), Isabella - Queenie Ashton, Francesco - Allan Trevor, Francois - Leonard Thiele
Script - Redmond Phillips, Director Reg Johnston.
EP 46 Pearls for the Dowager Empress
Narrator, Bandit, Jung-Lu - Clark McKay, Yehonala - Neva Carr Glyn, Empress Mother - Ethel Lang, Tze-An, Girl - Junee Cornell, Hsien-Feng, Chang, Chief - John Buschelle (JJ), Tuan, Kuang-Su - Edwin Finn
Script - R. Wilkes Hunter, Adaption - Reg Johnston, Director Reg Johnston.
EP 47 The Florentine Diamond
Narrator - Clark McKay, Peasant Woman, Maria Theresa - Neva Carr Glyn, Apothecary, Courtier - Leonard Bullen, Swiss Peasant, Councillor - Alan White, Knight, Sandro - Peter Bathurst, Lorenzo - Allan Trevor
Script - Redmond Phillips, Director Reg Johnston.
EP 48 Sir Lancelot and the Diamond Joust
Narrator, Herald, Spectator II, Voice III - Clark McKay, Guinevere, Voice II - Phyllis Best, Elaine - Diana Goller, Lancelot - Richard Ashley, King Arthur - Reginald Collins, Lavaine, Spectator I, Voice I - Allan Trevor
Script - Audrey Sharpe, Adaptation Reg Johnston, Director Reg Johnston.
EP 49 The Star of the South
Narrator, Servant - Clark McKay, Mining Overseer, Colonel Phare, Attendant - John Buschelle (JJ), Carlotta - Neva Carr Glyn, Casimiro, Mr. Smith - Max Osbiston, Senor Mendoza, Dutch Dealer - Charles McCallum, Bank Director, Gaekwar, 2nd Dealer - William Rees
Script - Redmond Phillips, Director Reg Johnston.
EP 50 Abu Serat, Abu Kir & The Magic Ring
Narrator - Clark McKay, Abu Kir - John Buschelle (JJ), Abu Serat - John Cazabon, King - Kevin Brennan, Sea Captain, Merchant - Leonard Bullen
Script - Audrey Sharpe, Adaptation - Reg Johnston, Director Reg Johnston.
EP 51 The True History of the Pitt Diamond
Narrator - Clark McKay, Jaurchand, Squire - Kevin Brennan, Rake, French Ambassador - John Buschelle (JJ), Parson, Vincatee Chittee - Ossie Wenban, Governor Pitt - Alan White, Sir Stephen Evance, Alexander Pope - Richard Ashley
Script - Redmond Phillips, Director Reg Johnston.
EP 52 The Jewelled Medallion of Queen Christina
Narrator - Clark McKay, Queen Christina - Lyndall Barbour, Baron Oxensterna - Alfred Bristowe, Councillor, Axel Grohnen - Alan White, Count De La Gardie, Pastor Von Linden - Alan Trevor, Doctor Bourdelot - Leonard Thiele
Script - Redmond Phillips, Director Reg Johnston.
This log has been documented by Ian Grieve and based on Grace Gibson Productions company documentation. The series was recorded and pressed at A.R.C. between 31st October, 1946 and 5th August, 1947. The series was based on Australian scripts and was not only broadcast in Australia, but exported to the U.S. and broadcast there. For any further information on the series, I may be contacted at [email protected]
(JJ), (TELE), (ARTS) refer to Actors Agents where the fees for the performance was paid.
(JJ) James Joyce
(TELE) Telecast
(ARTS) John Cover
EP 01 (Audition) The Story of the KOH-I-NOOR
Narrator - Clark McKay, Nadir Sha - Sidney Wheeler (J.J.), Truda - Lesley Pope, Mohammed Shah & Ambassador - John O'Malley, Runjit Singh - Donald Morrison, Shah Shuja - Moray Powell, Shuja's Wife & Queen Victoria - Ethel Lang.
Script - William Isherwood, Director Reg Johnston.
EP 02 (Audition) The Queens Necklace
Narrator - Clark McKay, Louis XV & Husband - Kevin Brennan, Du Barry - Bettie Dickson, Boehmer - Sid Wheeler (J.J.), Bassenge - Alfred Bristowe, Marie Antoinette - Murial Steinbeck, Louis XVI & De Rohan - Athol Fleming, La Motte & Voice - Sheila Sewell.
Script - Reg Johnston, Director Reg Johnston.
Ep 03 The Hope Diamond
Narrator & Newsboy - Clark McKay, Louis, Citizen 1, Streeter, Habib - Sidney Wheeler (J.J.), Tavernier, Officer, Purser - Alan Cuthbertson, Hope - Moray Powell, May Yohe - Muriel Steinbeck, Citizen 2, Reporter, Announcer - John O'Malley.
Script - Lloyd Lamble, Director Reg Johnston.
EP 04 The Locket of Bonnie Prince Charlie
Narrator & Soldier - Clark McKay, Macdonald - Kevin Brennan, Charles - Alan Cuthbertson, Flora - Bettie Dickson, Allan - John Cazabon (J.J.)
Script - William Isherwood, Director Reg Johnston.
EP 05 The man who stole the Crown Jewels
Narrator - Clark McKay, Colonel Blood - Athol Fleming, Edmund Blood - Deryk Barnes, Mr. Edwards - Richard Matthews (J.J.), Kate - Nancye Stewart, Parret & King Charles II - John Cazabon (J.J.)
Script - William Isherwood, Director Reg Johnston.
EP 06 The Catseye Ring of Marie Antoinette
Narrator - Clark McKay, 1st Man, Goguelat, 1st Swede - Max Osbiston, 2nd Man, 2nd Swede - Lloyd Berrell, Louis XVI - Athol Fleming, Marie Antoinette - Muriel Steinbeck, Axel De Fersen - Nigel Lovell, Woman, Swedish Woman - Hilda Scurr.
Script - William Isherwood, Director Reg Johnston.
EP 07 The Ruby Necklace of Queen Carlotta
Narrator - Clark McKay, Commander, Maximillian - Richard Ashley, Carlotta - Lyndall Barbour, Loius Napoleon - Kevin Brennan, Montares, Juarez - Donald Morrison.
Script - William Isherwood, Director Reg Johnston.
EP 08 The Regent's Locket
Narrator - Clark McKay, Mrs Fitzherbert - Neva Carr Glynn, Minney, Lady Companion, Georgiana - Lyndall Barbour, Lady Sefton, Lady Jersey - Queenie Ashton, Beau Brummell - William Rees, George, Prince of Wales - Kevin Brennan, Keate, Sir Henry Herford - John Cazabon (J.J.)
Script - Redmond Phillips, Director Reg Johnston.
Ep 09 The Story of the Braganza Diamiond
Narrator, Courier - Clark McKay, Officer - William Rees, Jose - Max Osbiston, Vasco - John Cazabon (J.J.), Miguel - Donald Morrison, Tina - Dinah Sheering (J.J.)
Script - R. Wilkes Hunter, Adaption - Reg Johnston, Director Reg Johnston.
EP 10 The Nassac Diamond
Narrator, 2nd Priest - Clark McKay, Hastings, Ali - John Cazabon (JJ), Simpson, 2nd Officer, Ranghit - John O'Malley, 2nd Officer, Thorsby, Ram Singh - Sidney Wheeler (JJ), 1st Priest, 1st Officer - Donald Morrison, Duke - Wayne Lynton
Script - R. Wilkes Hunter, Adaption - Reg Johnston, Director Reg Johnston.
EP 11 The Sancy Diamond
Narrator, Major Domo, 2nd Pedlar - Clark McKay, Henry III, 1st Pedlar, Swiss Soldier - John Cazabon (JJ), 3rd Pedlar, Jean Clermont - Sidney Wheeler (JJ), Seigneur De Sancy - Richard Ashley, Catherine Medici, French Girl - Jean Robertson, Courtier, Man, Voice - Michael Pate
Script - Redmond Phillips, Director Reg Johnston.
EP 12 The Mysterious Opal Which Never Existed
Narrator, Servant - Clark McKay, Persian, Bishop, Voice - Alfred Bristowe, Hermoine, Pavlova - Elaine Montgomerie, Baron - Allan Cuthbertson, Baroness, Countess, Girl - Winifred Green, Count, Man 1, Physician, Miner - Sidney Wheeler (JJ)
Script - Audrey Sharpe, Director Reg Johnston.
EP 13 The Pigott Diamond
Narrator,Soldier, Attendant - Clark McKay, Captain D' Anglas - Lloyd Berrell, Ali Pasha - Sidney Wheeler (JJ), Auctioneer, Raschid - John Cazabon (JJ), Vasilikee - Dinah Sheering (JJ)
Script - Redmond Phillips, Director Reg Johnston.
Ep 14 The Great Mogul Diamond
Narrator, Guard - Clark McKay, Chandra, Sena - Edwin Finn, Officer - Sid Wheeler (JJ), Yashara, Borgia - John O'Malley, Mogul - Max Osbiston, Devara - Wendy Brunton-Gibb (JJ)
Script - R. Wilkes Hunter, Adaption - Reg Johnston, Director Reg Johnston.
EP 15 The Moon of the Mountain
Narrator - Clark McKay, Nadir Shah - Sid Wheeler (J.J), Ali - Richard Ashley, Fatima - Muriel Steinbeck, Mahomet Singh - John O'Malley, Ahmed - Max Osbiston
Script - R. Wilkes Hunter, Adaption - Reg Johnston, Director Reg Johnston.
EP 16 How the Moon of the Mountain came to the Tsar of Russia
Narrator, Servant - Clark McKay, Beni - Owen Ainley, Rachel - Lyndall Barbour, Mahomet - John O'Malley, Kirzar, Ambassador - John Cazabon (JJ), Arab, Abraham - Sid Wheeler (JJ)
Script - R. Wilkes Hunter, Adaption - Reg Johnston, Director Reg Johnston.
EP 17 The Orloff Diamond
Narrator, Sanderson - Clark McKay, Commissar Bruekhenin - Lloyd Lamble (L.L. Ent), Capt. Barkles, Palace Guard - Harvey Adams, Pierre, Potemkin, American Correspondent - John Bushelle (JJ), Cocu, English Correspondent, Prince Orloff, John Cazabon (JJ), Catherine the Great - Neva Carr Glyn
Script - Redmond Phillips, Director Reg Johnston.
EP 18 The Treasure of Caballo Cunco
Narrator - Clark McKay, Father Piedra - Donald Morrison, Priest, Engineer - John Cazabon (JJ), Prodgers - Richard Ashley, Senora - Neva Carr Glyn, Indian Boy - Peter Mendoza
Script - Audrey Sharpe, Director Reg Johnston.
EP 19 The Alfred Jewel
Narrator, Man 1 - Clark McKay, Colonel Palmer, Soldier II, Man III - John Tate, Alfred - Richard Ashley, Guthrum, Soldier - Alan White, Maude - Neva Carr Glynn, Friend, Man II - Leonard Thiele
Script - Audrey Sharpe, Director Reg Johnston.
EP 20 Queen Elizabeth's Ring
Narrator, Boy - Reg Johnston, Queen Elizabeth - Nancye Stewart, Lady Marvell, Lady Nottingham - Neva Carr Glyn, Essex - Leonard Thiele, Earl of Nottingham, Raleigh - Alfred Bristowe
Script - Redmond Phillips, Director Reg Johnston.
EP 21 M. Silhouette and the Paste Earrings
Narrator - Reg Johnston, King Louis XV - Lou Vernon, Countess Du Barry - Bettie Dickson, M. Silhouette - Peter Bathurst, M. De Bologne, M. Stras - Michael Pate, Zamore - Michael Yardley
Script - Audrey Sharpe, Adaptation Reg Johnston, Director Reg Johnston.
EP 22 The Jonker Diamond
Narrator, Matafi - Lloyd Berrell, Jacobus Jonker, 1st Miner - Owen Ainley, Barmaid, Mrs Jonker - Neva Carr Glyn, Vice President, Simpson - Rupert Chance, Engineer, Franz - Reg Johnston, Corporation Executive, 2nd Miner - Tom Farley
Script - Redmond Phillips, Director Reg Johnston.
EP 23 Anne Boleyn's Diamond
Narrator, Voice - Clark McKay, Henry Viii - Kevin Brennan, Cardinal Wolsey - Lou Vernon, Percy, Mark Kingston - Deryk Barnes, Anne Boleyn - Elaine Montgomerie, Queen Catherine, Lady in Waiting - Hilda Scurr
Script - Redmond Phillips, Director Reg Johnston.
EP 24 The Matan Diamond
Narrator - Clark McKay, Kalai - John Gray (JJ), Jahar, Ali - John Cazabon (JJ), Al Fong - Athol Fleming, Rajah - Reg Johnston, Ling, Officer - Kevin Brennan
Script - R. Wilkes Hunter, Adaption - Reg Johnston, Director Reg Johnston.
EP 25 Grace Moore and the Star of Egypt
Narrator, Servant - Clark McKay, Ismail - Kevin Brennan, Nubar, Emil - Sidney Wheeler (JJ), Clerk, Disraeli - Charles McCallum, 2nd Clerk, Woman - Neva Carr Glyn, Sir Evelyn Baring, Voice 1 - Ron Roberts
Script - Redmond Phillips, Director Reg Johnston.
EP 26 Napoleon & The Orloff Diamond
Narrator, Voices - Clark McKay, Napoleon - John Cazabon (JJ), General Murat - Kevin Brennan, General Segur - Reg Johnston, Duroc - Athol Fleming, Marie Walewska - Lesley Pope, Aunt Nadia - Enid Lorimer (JJ)
Script - Redmond Phillips, Director Reg Johnston.
EP 27 Charlemagne's Talisman
Narrator - Clark McKay, Irene - Jean Robertson, Charlemagne - John Buschelle (JJ), Ethro - Joan Lord, Constantine - Leonard Thiele, Noble, Zacchai - John Cazabon (JJ)
Script - Audrey Sharpe, Adaptation Reg Johnston, Director Reg Johnston.
EP 28 The Eugenie Diamond
Narrator, Major Domo, M. Buffet - Clark McKay, Napoleon III - Kevin Brennan, Empress Eugenie - Neva Carr Glyn, MME. De Fontoul, Nurse - Hilda Scurr, Lord Cowley - Mayne Lynton, Englishman, Aussie Soldier, Count Bacciochi - John Cazabon (JJ)
Script - Redmond Phillips, Director Reg Johnston.
EP 29 The Treasure of Petrossa
Narrator - Clark McKay, Stanislav - Owen Ainley, Ivan - John Gray (JJ), Prunza Verde - Kevin Brennan, Venussi - Edwin Finn, Commissioner - Ben Lewin (JJ)
Script - Audrey Sharpe, Adaptation Reg Johnston, Director Reg Johnston.
EP 30 War on the Brazilian Diamond Front
Narrator - Clark McKay, Sir Geoffrey Knox - Athol Fleming, Merchant, 1st Dealer - Sid Wheeler (JJ), Bailey - Leonard Bullen (JJ), Clerk, 2nd Dealer, Assistant - John Cazabon (JJ)
Script - Rex Rienits, Director Reg Johnston.
Ep 31 The Emeralds of Montezuma
Narrator - Clark McKay, Hernando Cortes - John Cazabon (JJ), Luis, Montezuma, Councillor - John Buschelle (JJ), Dona Juana, Queen of Spain - Neva Carr Glyn, Velasquez - Sidney Wheeler (JJ), The King of Spain, Priest - Owen Ainley
Script - Redmond Phillips, Director Reg Johnston.
EP 32 The Cullinan Diamond
Narrator, Voice 1, Voice 2, Postman - Clark McKay, Otto - John Cazabon (JJ), Klein, Captain Wells - Max Osbiston, Native, Joseph - Sidney Wheeler (JJ), Forsythe, Voice 4, Roth - Atholl Fleming, Elsa - Muriel Steinbeck
Script - E.K. Smith, Director Reg Johnston.
EP 33 The Regent Diamond & Marie Antoinette
Narrator - Clark McKay, Marie Antoinette - Elaine Montgomerie, Countess De Noailles, Mlle Bertin - Queenie Ashton, The Dauphin, Count De Fersen - Leonard Thiele, Louis XV - Kevin Brennan, Charles - Peter Bathurst
Script - Redmond Phillips, Director Reg Johnston.
EP 34 The Regent Diamond & Napoleon Bonaparte
Narrator, Court Official - Clark McKay, Napoleon - John Cazabon (JJ), Marie Antoinette, Marianne - Elaine Montgomerie, Count De Fersen, Segure - Leonard Thiele, Mme Permon - ethel Lang, Baron Edelsheim - Kevin Gunn (JJ)
Script - Redmond Phillips, Director Reg Johnston.
EP 35 - Benvenuto Cellini & The Powdered Diamond
Narrator, Guiseppe - Clark McKay, Benvenuto Cellini - Owen Ainley, Durante, Pope - Kevin Brennan, 20th Century Man, Charles V - Max Osbiston, Priest, Ugolini - Edwin Finn, Vatican Treasurer, Pietro - Richard Matthews (JJ)
Script - Redmond Phillips, Director Reg Johnston.
EP 36 The Portland Vase
Narrator, Joshua (Boy) - Clark McKay, Joshua (Man) - Edwin Finn, Mr. Harrison - Alfred Bristowe, Sarah - Myrna Dodd, Cathcart - Atholl Fleming, Portland - Mayne Lynton
Script - R. Wilkes Hunter, Adaption - Reg Johnston, Director Reg Johnston.
Ep 37 The Pearl of Travancore
Narrator, 1st Trader - Clark McKay, Prince Amrah, Voice - Kevin Brennan, Zameidan - Deryk Barnes, Princess Sarahwie - Betty Lucas, Akyabi, 2nd Trader - John O'Malley, The Rover of Kandy - Alan White
Script - Redmond Phillips, Director Reg Johnston.
EP 38 The Dresden Green Diamond
Narrator - Clark McKay, Anna Von Hoym - Thelma Scott, Augustus The Strong - John Buschelle (JJ), Count Furstenberg, Johann - Max Osbiston, Baron Von Hoym, Voice - Atholl Fleming
Script - Redmond Phillips, Director Reg Johnston.
EP 39 A Necklace for the Infanta
Narrator, Servant - Clark McKay, James I, Spaniard - Reginald Collins, Lord Bristol, Phillip IV - John Buschelle (JJ), Duke of Buckingham - John Tate, Charles - Bruce Beeby (JJ), Maria - Elaine Montgomerie
Script - Redmond Phillips, Director Reg Johnston.
EP 40 The Story of the First African Diamond
Narrator, Native - Clark McKay, Daniel Jacobs, Lorenzo Boyes, 1st Man - Owen Ainley, Minna, Jewish Woman - Neva Carr Glyn, Franz - Ronald Faulkner, Mr, Van Niekirk, Dr, Kirsch - Max Osbiston, 2nd Man, John Reilly - John Tate
Script - Redmond Phillips, Director Reg Johnston.
EP 41 The Jewels of Ivan the Terrible
Narrator - Clark McKay, Ivan The Terrible - John Buschelle (JJ), Queen Elizabeth - Nancye Stewart, Jerome Horsey - Atholl Fleming, F.F. Pissemski - Owen Ainley
Script - Redmond Phillips, Director Reg Johnston.
EP 42 The Jewel of Destiny
Narrator, Voice 1, Man - Clark McKay, Murphy, Voice 3 - John Buschelle (JJ), Leyman - John O'Malley, Leon - Edwin Finn, Tennant, Voice, Voice 2 - John Gray (JJ), Greta - Carlotta Kalmar
Script - Keith Smith, Director Reg Johnston.
EP 43 The Jade Bell
Narrator - Clark McKay, Chien Lung - John Buschelle (JJ), Chang - Ossie Wenban, Dangra Tso, San Tsin - John O'Malley, Child - Joan Lord
Script - R. Wilkes Hunter, Adaption - Reg Johnston, Director Reg Johnston.
EP 44 The Black Prince's Ruby
Narrator - Clark McKay, Queen Victoria p Lesley Pope, Lord Melbourne, Sir Thomas - Alfred Bristowe, Don Pedro - John Buschelle (JJ), Court Jeweller, Sir John - Edwin Finn, Edward - Allan Trevor
Script - Redmond Phillips, Director Reg Johnston.
EP 45 The Badge of Widowhood
Narrator - Clark McKay, Christina - Brenda Dunrich, Hans Holbein, Charles V - William Rees (JJ), Isabella - Queenie Ashton, Francesco - Allan Trevor, Francois - Leonard Thiele
Script - Redmond Phillips, Director Reg Johnston.
EP 46 Pearls for the Dowager Empress
Narrator, Bandit, Jung-Lu - Clark McKay, Yehonala - Neva Carr Glyn, Empress Mother - Ethel Lang, Tze-An, Girl - Junee Cornell, Hsien-Feng, Chang, Chief - John Buschelle (JJ), Tuan, Kuang-Su - Edwin Finn
Script - R. Wilkes Hunter, Adaption - Reg Johnston, Director Reg Johnston.
EP 47 The Florentine Diamond
Narrator - Clark McKay, Peasant Woman, Maria Theresa - Neva Carr Glyn, Apothecary, Courtier - Leonard Bullen, Swiss Peasant, Councillor - Alan White, Knight, Sandro - Peter Bathurst, Lorenzo - Allan Trevor
Script - Redmond Phillips, Director Reg Johnston.
EP 48 Sir Lancelot and the Diamond Joust
Narrator, Herald, Spectator II, Voice III - Clark McKay, Guinevere, Voice II - Phyllis Best, Elaine - Diana Goller, Lancelot - Richard Ashley, King Arthur - Reginald Collins, Lavaine, Spectator I, Voice I - Allan Trevor
Script - Audrey Sharpe, Adaptation Reg Johnston, Director Reg Johnston.
EP 49 The Star of the South
Narrator, Servant - Clark McKay, Mining Overseer, Colonel Phare, Attendant - John Buschelle (JJ), Carlotta - Neva Carr Glyn, Casimiro, Mr. Smith - Max Osbiston, Senor Mendoza, Dutch Dealer - Charles McCallum, Bank Director, Gaekwar, 2nd Dealer - William Rees
Script - Redmond Phillips, Director Reg Johnston.
EP 50 Abu Serat, Abu Kir & The Magic Ring
Narrator - Clark McKay, Abu Kir - John Buschelle (JJ), Abu Serat - John Cazabon, King - Kevin Brennan, Sea Captain, Merchant - Leonard Bullen
Script - Audrey Sharpe, Adaptation - Reg Johnston, Director Reg Johnston.
EP 51 The True History of the Pitt Diamond
Narrator - Clark McKay, Jaurchand, Squire - Kevin Brennan, Rake, French Ambassador - John Buschelle (JJ), Parson, Vincatee Chittee - Ossie Wenban, Governor Pitt - Alan White, Sir Stephen Evance, Alexander Pope - Richard Ashley
Script - Redmond Phillips, Director Reg Johnston.
EP 52 The Jewelled Medallion of Queen Christina
Narrator - Clark McKay, Queen Christina - Lyndall Barbour, Baron Oxensterna - Alfred Bristowe, Councillor, Axel Grohnen - Alan White, Count De La Gardie, Pastor Von Linden - Alan Trevor, Doctor Bourdelot - Leonard Thiele
Script - Redmond Phillips, Director Reg Johnston.
This log has been documented by Ian Grieve and based on Grace Gibson Productions company documentation. The series was recorded and pressed at A.R.C. between 31st October, 1946 and 5th August, 1947. The series was based on Australian scripts and was not only broadcast in Australia, but exported to the U.S. and broadcast there. For any further information on the series, I may be contacted at [email protected]
(JJ), (TELE), (ARTS) refer to Actors Agents where the fees for the performance was paid.
(JJ) James Joyce
(TELE) Telecast
(ARTS) John Cover